Florien, Sabine Parish, Louisiana
flourishing little town is located on the K. C. S. Railway,
twelve miles south of Many. It was started in the latter part of
the '90s and was named for Mr. Florien Giauque. Florien is
surrounded by a fine agricultural country and is an important
shipping and trading point. The town has a fine school, church
and fraternal societies, and several live business houses.
The post
office was established in 1908 with Willie Hall postmaster.
Since that time the office has been held by A. J. Mahein, James
M. Leach, W. G. Leach and D. S. Leach, the latter being the
present postmaster.
Joe Dover, a
leading merchant, began business here in 1907. He is native of
Germany. In 1902 he came from Tensas parish to Many where he was
associated with his brother, A. Dover in business, and later was
at Zwolle until he located at Florien on his own account. He w
is married in August, 1911, to Miss Lizzie Williams of that
place. Mr. Dover is a young man of good business ability,
carries an immense stock of general merchandise and does a
splendid business.
Bros, conduct a big mercantile business here. The firm is
composed of B. L. and S. K. Williams, and succeeded the firm of
Corley & Williams which began business there in 1907. They were
born and reared in Sabine, are progressive young business men,
have an up-to-date mercantile establishment and a good
patronage. They are always ready to give encouragement to every
move to develop the resources of their country.
A. C. Leach
conducts a modern mercantile establishment here and is assisted
by his son, C. C. Leach. He is the oldest merchant in the town,
having embarked in business here in 1897: He is a native of
Alabama and on coming to Sabine parish located in the Middle
Creek country and was engaged in farming until he engaged in
business at Florien.
Newton F.
Leach entered the mercantile business here in 1910. His parents
were J. W. and Sarah Leach who came to Sabine parish from
Alabama in 1860 and settled in the Toro community. Mr. Leach was
engaged in farming prior to his entry in mercantile pursuits.
J. P. Simpson
conducts a mercantile business here which was commenced in 1906.
He is a native of Alabama, the date of his birth being October
1, 1846. He came to this parish in 1883, locating near Negreet
where he engaged in farming which occupation he continued to
follow until a few years ago.
Chance &
Mahaffey, progressive young men operate a saw mill. Besides the
product sawed for shipment, they supply the local lumber wants.
The Wyatt Lumber Co. is erecting a large modern mill south of
Florien. This company has a Prominent among the citizens and
farmers of the community are
T. M. Aldredge
G. B. Arrington
R. R. Arrington
A. T. Arthur
I. H. Byrd
L. W. Byrd
J. D. Chance
Dr. C. C. Conerly
Tom Conerly
W. T. Cook
George Z. Corley
J. M. Corley
L. F. Corley
R. S. Gandy
A. R. Gentry
W. K. Holt
James M. Leach
M. M. Leach
W. C. Lee |
M. W. Lockwood
Walter Long
M. M. Mahaffey
J. L, McCormic
Asa Miller
Dess Miller
H. D. Miller
N. A. Miller
Willie Miller
E. A. Mothershed
Wilson Pilcher
D. R. Price
L. A. Pyne
S. T, Salter
W. F. Salter
J. M. Sandel
R. A. Sanders
W. C. Vogel
M. V. Westbrook |
Sabine Parish
AHGP Louisiana
Source: History of Sabine Parish,
Louisiana, by John G. Belisle, Sabine Banner Press, 1913.