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Enumeration of Former Confederate Soldiers and Widows of Deceased Soldiers, 1911
Orleans Parish Ward 7  Census 1911

Aimsworth, W. 83 LA 8th C. E None
None Old age
Armand, A. 69 LA 18th Infantry B None
None Old age
Babin, T. C. 68 LA 9th A None
None Disability and old age
Bandier, Margareth, widow 61 LA Point Coupee Artillery B None
Housekeeper None 3/14/1869
Becker, Lenna, widow 70 LA 18th Louisiana
Real Estate, $5000.00
Housekeeper None 10/28/1859
Berry, T. S. 78 LA 14th C None
None Old age and bad leg
Beyclow(?), Ira 72 LA 8th E None
None Loss of leg
Blackman, W. 79 GA 45 D None
None Disabilty and Blindness
Blackwell, W. 72 LA 5th W. A. 5th None
None Old age
Bourgeois, P. D. 82 LA 3rd Cavalry D None
None Old age
Brady, J. 71 GA 5th Infantry C None
None Old age
Brasinni, F. 85 LA 10th Infantry D None
None Old age
Bruce, Jas. 81 LA 1st Cavalry I None
None Disability and old age
Buckley, M. 75 LA Wheat. Bat. A None
None Rheumatism
Bushman, J. F. 65 LA Miles Legion A None
None General debility
Butz, P. 72 LA 20th B None
None Old age
Carroll, P. 72 LA 10th C None
None Disability and wounds
Carver, W. G. T. 73 LA 2nd Cavalry H None
None Old age and infirmity
Cavanaugh, D. 67 LA 1st Artillery B None
None Disability and wounds
Charpiaux, E. 80 LA Wash. A. 3 None
None Disability and wounds
Clifton, A. D. 79 LA 19th A None
None Old age
Collins, E. 67 LA Wash. A. 1st None
None Rheumatism
Connor, J. O. 68 LA 3rd A None
None Old age and eyes
Dawson, L. G. 67 LA 4 D None
None Old age and hemaglia(?)
De Lisle, Emile G. 69 LA 18th Louisiana A None None Retired Rheumatism and asthma
De Meza, G. W. 68 LA 15 K None
None Wounds
De Wolff, S. 85 LA 8 B None
None Disability
Delahonti, W. 66 LA 18 D None
None Disability and eyes
Dendy, C. 66 LA 1st Cavalry G None
None Disability
Dickerson, M. 72 LA 9 K None
None Senility
Donnelly, T. 79 LA 7 C None
None Disability
Drouet, Edgar, widow 69 LA Trans. Miss.

Housekeeper None 10/24/1860
Duke, H. J. 73 LA 3 B None
None Senility
Dupre, H. 68 LA 5 F None
None Wounds and disability
Dwyer, M. 81 LA Artillery A None
None Senility
Enright, T. 69 LA Conf. Guard A None
None Old age and bladder trouble
Evans, G. C. 72 LA St. Paul. Bat. D None
None Disability
Faircloth, W.P. 68 LA 1st Cavalry D None
None Disability
Fetter, C. W. 79 TX 1st T. Cavalry B None
None Old age
Fickerson, Jas. 70 LA 14th K None
None Disability and broken arm
Field, C. W. 67 VA De Gournay's Bat. D None
None General disability
Foote, A. S. 77 LA 6th C None
None General disability
Galliger, Mary, widow 63 VA Army, New Orleans

Housekeeper None 11/26/1866
Garvey, P. 68 LA 7th D None
None Old age
Gill, Jas. 70 LA 10th C None
None Old age and wounds
Giroir, J. 74 LA 18 C None
None Old age
Gisevius, Rosalie, widow 66
Don't know Don't know None None Housekeeper None 6/5/1869
Goodrand, C. 71 LA St. Mary Artillery
None Senility
Haggerty, P. 77 LA 20 G None
None Wounds in leg
Harris, J. W. 79 LA 13 E None
None Old age and loss of leg
Hau, R. P. 75 AL 3rd B None
None Wounds
Hedges, J. H. H. 75 LA Washington Artillery 5 None
None Old age and rupture
Henning, J. F. 69 LA 5 G None
None Wounds
Hickson, W. W. 68 LA 15 D None
None Wounds and loss of leg
Hunter, T. 74 MS 12 A None
None Old age
Hymel, T. 65 LA Pelican Bat.

Ivy, L. C. 66 LA Fenner's Battery
None Old age
Kaiglor, J. W. 71 MS 4th Cavalry I None
None Paralysis
Kendall, J. F. 65 LA 30th E None
None Paralysis
Kernigan, T. P. 74 LA 7th F None
None Wounds
Klein, Patrick 78 LA Marine Corps C None None Retired Old age
Knowlton, C. P. 69 La 1st Louisiana
None Wounds
Lambert, E. 71 LA Pointe Coupee A None
None Old age
Lambert, F. 70 LA 13th G None
None Old age and disability
Landry, A. 75 LA 26th Infantry E None
None Old age
Landry, J. W. 70 LA 30th E None
None Wounds and accident
Latnner, C. T. 66 VA 1st Georgia F None
None Disability
Lefevre, J. G. 72 LA Orleans Bat.
None Wounds
Lemarie, Emile Louis 75 LA 22nd D None
Retired Weak legs
Little, W. 79 LA Washington Artillery 2nd None
None Old age
Mackey, Geo. 72 LA 25th A None
None Old age and disability
MacNemarra, M. 69 LA 7th G None
None Old age
Maiturne(?), A. 81 LA 30th F None
None Old age
Marcardy, L. 76 LA Washington Artillery 5 None
None Old age
Mc Glennon, J. 78 LA 18th H None
None Rupture and heart disease
Merrit, W. J. 73 LA 9th A None
None Old age and disability
Miquiz, G. 71 LA 7th F None
None Old age and disability
Moore, G. W. 71 LA 11th
None Old age
Morcan, P. 68 LA 2nd Cavalry I None
None Paralysis
Murphy, J. D. 74 LA 5th E None
None Loss of arm
Murphy, W. J. 75 LA 18th B None
None Old age and rheumatism
Nash, W. J. 70 LA 11th G None
None Wounds
Nunnery, J. M. 67 LA 4th A None
None Wounds and loss of leg
O'Meallie, Jas. 81 LA 18th D None
None Old age
Packer, L. P. 69 MS 10th B None
None Old age
Parcano(?), A 71 LA 28th H None
None Old age
Powell, N. B. 65 LA Scott's Cavalry D None
None Loss of arm (accident)
Purcell, M 90 LA 18th D None
None Old age
Rearnes, J. A. 81 LA 4th E None
None Old age
Reed, A. 76 LA 6th D None
None Old age
Reilly, T. 74 LA 4th D None
None Old age and wound
Reilly, W. 82 LA 18th
None Old age
Rianco, R. B. 74 LA 10th E None
None Old age and loss of eye
Richardson, B. 69 LA Allen's Regiment
None General disability
Richardson, J. Y. 75 LA 4th A None
None Old age
Rist, C. W. 79 LA 16th A None
None Old age
Roberts, C. A. 67 LA 4th F None
None Back and leg trouble
Rochelle, J. D 77 LA Orleans G. Bat.
None Old age
Ruffner, S. D. 76 VA 19th Virginia Cavalry G None
None Old age and rupture
Sarpie, Pearl, widow 65 LA

Housekeeper None 8/11/1866
Scott, J. H. 68 MS 3rd A None
None General disabilitly
Scurlock, J. W 68 TN 6th G None
None Senility and wounds
Seawell, B. S. 69 AL 3rd (Mobile Cadet)
None Senility
Sittig, J. C. 71 LA 8th F None

Smith, John 70 LA Sharp Shooter
None None
Smith, W. T. 69 LA 5th E None
None Old age
Spurlock, J. L. 73 LA 3rd C None
None Rupture
Stavall, W. T. 68 MS 38th K None
None Senility
Stevens, A 68 LA 5th C None
None General disability
Stroud, T. 77 LA 28th K None
None Senility
Swan, J. 67 LA 11th C None
None Wounds of battle
Sweeney, C. 78 LA 13th H None
None Senility
Sweitzer, J. M 74 LA Stewart's Regiment
None Senility
Theraux, Vic. 81 LA Zouave D None
None Senility and Fistula
Thomson, W. R. 67 MS 12th 8 None
None Senility
Travis, E. 66 MS 1st Cavalry
None Crippled
Villvasso, A. A. 64 LA Pelican Battery
None Senililty
Ward, G. W. 73 LA 4th K None
None Senilitly
Watson, T. A. 85 TX Texas Cavalry A None
None Senility
Wehner, F. 68 LA 5th B None
None General disability
Welch, W. G. 82 LA 18th B None
None Loss of limb
White, E. J. 78 AL 3rd B None
None Senility
Wimlist, W. 64 NC Junior Reserve

Wogan, Alcide Victor, widow 72
Don't know Don't know Real Estate (Division of $7,000.00) None Retired Old age
Youngblood, W. 81 LA Navy
None Senility

Format and Typing by C. W. Barnum