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Enumeration of Former Confederate Soldiers and Widows of Deceased Soldiers
Orleans Ward 16,17 Census 1911

Castleman, T. W. 16
LA West Adams Regt. Cavalry A Real Estate $6000 Agent Good health married
Chapman, Mrs. J. E. 16
AL Not known
Real Estate None None Good health 1870
Cook, Henry F. 17 72 AR 30th Regiment B Real Estate $2000 None Good health Married
Delisle, Mrs. V. G. 16
LA First B Real Estate None None Good health 1875
Dickinson, Mrs. Chas. H. 16
LA Forest Cavalry
Real Estate None Living with daughter Good health 1871
Earnest, Mrs. Elysh 16
TN Not known
Real Estate None Housekeeper Good health 1867
Forno, Geo. W. 16
LA Crescent F Real Estate None None Good health married
Gibson, J. B. 17 66 MS 14th Mississippi F None None Laborer Good health Married
Govun, Mrs. James 16
GA Not known
Real Estate None No income Fairly good health Aug. 14, 1855
Guedry, Francis E. 16
LA Not known
Real Estate None City passenger agent, M.O.R.R. Good health 1871
Harrison, Edward 16
AL Mobile Dragons Independent Co. Real Estate $800 Policeman Good health married
Johnson, James R. 16
LA Independent Mc Cowen Scouts Real Estate None None Good health married
Jordan, Frank 16
VA Washington Artillery 4th Co. Real Estate None None Dropsey
Martinez, Mrs. Ed. J. 16
LA Not known
Real Estate None No income Good health 1870
McGrath, Mrs. P. 16
LA Crescent ? Real Estate None No income Good health
McKenzie, Wm. G. 16
LA Fonness Battery Port Hudson Signal Real Estate None Farmer Stomach troubles
Moore, Mrs. Jno. S. 16
LA Not known
Real Estate None Housekeeper Good health 1872
Pfeiffer, John 16
AL Washington Artillery 4th Co. Real Estate None Gardner Broken Leg married
Redden, Mrs. A. L. 16
Not known Not known
Real Estate None None Good health
St. Martin, P. E. 16
LA 4th Louisiana Orleans Cadets Real Estate None Planter Stone in bladder married
Stafford, Mrs. Geo. W. 16
LA 8th Louisiana
Real Estate None Housekeeper Good health 1886

Format and Typing by C. W. Barnum