James E. Jordan Sabine Parish, Louisiana

James E. Jordan, justice of the peace for Ward One, was born September 24, 1871, his parents being John H. and Martha A, (Parker) Jordan, early settlers in the southeast , part of the parish.

He was reared, and always lived, on a farm, and attended the public schools. On February 3, 1903, he was married to June A. Coburn and to them has been born one child, Sarah Jane (June 26, 1904).

He served four years as constable of his ward and is serving his third term as justice of the peace. He took his Masonic degrees in Kisatchie Lodge No, 156 in August, September and October, 1908, and since that time has occupied prominent places in lodge circles, was W. M. six years, besides at various times filling other important offices. For the past five years he has served as D. D. G. M. for the Masonic order. On January 16, 1910, he was made a Royal Arch Mason in Vernon Chapter No. 51, R. A. M.

Mr, Jordan has been an enthusiastic student of vocal music and for several years has successfully taught vocal classes.



Sabine Parish | AHGP Louisiana

Source: History of Sabine Parish, Louisiana, by John G. Belisle, Sabine Banner Press, 1913.


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