Louisiana AHGP

Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Darrell O. Foster

Dr. Darrell Foster was born January 31, 1930 in Haynesville, Louisiana and served as pastor of First Baptist Church, Homer from 1979 to 1980.

He married the former Pat Worley, also of Haynesville, in 1949 and they have two children, Kathy Stimson and Dr. Barry Foster. Dr. Foster attended Louisiana Baptist College and New Orleans Baptist Seminary. This dynamic preacher served as pastor for Caddo Heights Baptist Church of Shreveport, First Baptist Church of Pearland, Texas, First Baptist Church, Lake Jackson, Texas and Garden Oaks Baptist Church of Houston, Texas prior to his tenure as pastor of First Baptist Church, Homer.

He is very involved in community affairs and has served as a school board member, president of the Rotary Club and president of the New Orleans Baptist Seminary Alumni of Texas. He was named as one of the "Outstanding Young Men of 1972." Many church members fondly remember the imagination and excitement he brought to special occasions, such as Christmas and Easter. One of the innovations he brought was the annual youth walk across town with the Cross to mark the beginning of the Easter season. This has since become a treasured tradition in our church. One of Rev.

Foster's fond memories of our church recalls Gordon Simmons watching the progression of the youth with the huge wooden cross at the front of the church. Mr. Simmons called Brother Foster and mock-brusquely informed him the cross would have to be taken down. A little worried some town ordinance had been broken, Dr. Foster asked "Why?"

"Because I choke up every time I see it," was the reply as he quietly hung up the phone. Mr. Simmon's response spoke for that of many church members and, every Easter, the cross still stands to remind us. In the years since his service in Homer, Dr. Foster has continued to pastor churches, but now works full time as one of the major managers of U. S. Contractors. Few Sundays pass without his filling a pulpit in some supply position, however. Recently, he and his wife started a mission in Angleton, Texas which soon became a church in its own right, Northway Baptist Church. 45

Biographical Sketches| Claiborne Parish | AHGP


Source: Author's Notice: I hereby give permission for the free dissemination of any and all material included within the book and permit any non profit use of that material. Should any agency wish to use the material in a profit context, permission must be secured from the church body of First Baptist Church, Homer, LA 71040.  By Barbara Smith, Homer, Louisiana.


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